Any chance we could add the option to sort by minimum order total when looking at an item for sale in the catalog? I think shipping varies so much it would play a big factor in a buyers decision.
I definitely want to do this, but it is surprisingly difficult. It is easy to do when there are 10 sets, but not when there are 10,000 different lots because shipping would have to be calculated for each individually. I still have to work out how to do it unfortunately.
I don't see any usefulness for this suggestion EXCEPT for the rare buyer who wants to purchase only one single item. Thus, IMHO, I think your time would be better spent on more useful suggestions. How does searching by minimum order total help someone buying hundreds of parts in dozens of different lots? The minimum shipping amount for a tiny one-part order is totally irrelevant to someone who wants to place a large order and has to pay much more than that minimum. And if Store A's shipping is a dime cheaper, that does not make much difference if their parts are all a penny more expensive. As a buyer, what matters to me is the TOTAL cost for ALL my items - not what it would cost to ship one single part. If I need 1000 white 2x4 bricks, and Store A has them for sale at $0.15 each with a "minimum" shipping charge of $2, and Store B has them for sale at $0.12 each with a "minimum" shipping charge of $3, how does sorting by minimum order total help me? And which Store do you think will get my order? I just don't understand how this suggestion could be useful or even relevant to anyone wanting to order more than one single part.
It does help someone looking for a single minifigure, polybag or set. I have had plenty of orders like that in another marketplace (and one here) so I assume this feature would benefit a number of users.
It is indeed useless if you want to buy many parts. It is however very useful for the demographic we are targeting which are interested in small amounts of replacement parts or single sets/minifigures as mentioned above.
It does seem like it would suit the demographic we are shooting for. Also, I think a lot of buyers start with finding that one thing at a price they like and then shop at that store for the rest of their items. I can appreciate the difficulty in making it happen. Thanks for thinking about it! Tracy