Bug with Commision Overdue

Seems there is a bug with the 'overdue'... (It's not the first time I have noticed this).
On August 31st my last order gave me following:
31 Aug 2015 13:08 Order Fee 5505902 £-0.41355 (~EUR -0.56) ~EUR -6.09
So I didn't get an invitation to pay, as:
If any of the balances are over EUR 6.79 at the start of the month, the balance will be due.
Now I did get a couple of orders on september first, making me jump over EUR 6.79, but I still didn't get (afaik) a link to pay the fees due (and neither troughout the whole month of september afaik, but I don't really look at it regulary)

Now we are a new month, so fees are due for september (but in this case also the ones for august), and I assume I have a a week or 3 to pay (not that I will wait that long, rest assured), but at the same time I'm getting a red banner
Commission is now overdue. Payment must be made as soon possible to avoid store suspension.

Seems like the system is thinking I'm over one month late (because it includes fees from august), while in fact I'm not, as there was no fee to pay on the first of september.

The secondary bug with it, is that I'm not just being charged for my august+september orders, but also for order(s) placed today and if I wait an extra few days*, any additional order will increase the fee, and I (or any other seller) will be due the current amount, so including fees on orders of the running month, while these are only due on the 1st of november (if threshold is reached). Technicly, the 'due' should be locked on the amount due on september 30, midnight, and the newly added fees (october orders) should simply be displayed for next time IMHO.

Let's be clear I don't consider this a heavely disturbing bug (or bugs), it's just a little bit annoying seeing that red banner telling me I'm in overdue, while I'm not (as the fees are due 'as of' today), so just wondering what would happen if I wait a couple of days before paying (technicly I should have 2 or 3 weeks to pay my current balance, right)?

Can you look into this and tweak this a bit? Thanks in advance!



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Thanks for reporting that, the documentation has now been fixed, it was confused about the time of day. When you pay commission, it includes any outstanding commission, with the intention to potentially reduce payment fees as it reduces the chance that you would need to pay next month.
  • @Lawrence
    Thanks for the quick fix, red banner is gone :-)

    I'm not sure leaving it run and increase is the best course of action (IMHO), sellers might have a temporary sit back on orders (assuming they want to pay from balance), and while they build up some cashflow (and while having other costs as well for which they need a bit of cashflow), every order of the running month increases the fee to a higher level, but at the same will be part of the real 'overdue' after a week or 2 or 3', while their fee of the previous month might be a more reasonable amount to pay, and the fees of the running month would only be due 2 or 3 weeks after the start of the next month (so might give a bit of a sour feeling).

    Personally I'm fine with this way of operating, tells me I'm better of to actually pay ASAP and start 'fresh' the new month, but I'm not sure all sellers will have that same opinion in the long run ;-)

    Payment comming up :-)

    Cheers, Eric
  • I'd rather be charged the past due amount with the option to pay up to whatever the balance currently is.
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