Have a small order ($8) where I get a note attached to order saying that he needs order expedited as fast as possible and needs it within a week to a foreign country. He gives me his fedex account number or says to paypal bill him additional money needed for shipping. I am a little hesitant about this order. Any reason not to go thru with the shipping if he pays the additional money via paypal. The shipping is probably going to be over $100.
and even if he would pay for expedited shipping, he probably wont be able to get it in a week, it all depends on customs and how long they need to process the package. some can take up to a few weeks
I would certainly not accept an additional PP payment for $100 just for shipping, your order benefit would vaporise...
You could add an additional fee offcourse to cover that & you can enter the same trackingnumber for 2 payments on Paypal as well, but it might look strange for them, particulary as the small amount has been paid prior to the large amount...
As rebrude stated, might be held up in customs anyway, allthough usually companies like Fedex have faster transit, as there needs to be suffisiant paperwork with the shipment.
Personally I wouldn't go trough with it, you never know what might be going on in the background.
Offer to either use normal shipment (with the risk of being held up in customs) or to cancel...
1. I appologise if you found my post out of place, allthough from my point of view I did not make any accusation, as I said 'what if'.
2. If you feel such post is not in the spirit of what should be on this forum, then you could just cancel the post, I have no issues with such, I consider that your perogative.
3. re-edited this point a couple of times, decided to skip it, not very relevant on this forum, but if you care to know, you have my email ;-)