Please click on 'Received' when your order arrives

edited November 2016 in Brick Owl Vote Up0Vote Down
I have several orders I have sent and they still say 'shipped' but not 'received'. It would be good to know they arrived at their destinations intact.
I expect other stores experience this too. Many customers not clicking on 'Received' when it arrives.
Perhaps when the order is sent this message should accompany it to remind people to respond: "Please click on 'Received' when your order arrives!"


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • @starrycc

    several ??
    not sure if the right word ;-)
    and yes other stores experiance this too...
    I've had 855 orders so far and around 450 of those still have the status 'shipped', and that goes back to 2013, so more then half :P
    I've stopped worrying about it :-D

    People don't need reminders when the order is shipped (too soon), they need reminders when they log in again with the condition that the shipped order is at least 1month old ;-)
  • I never worry about the "received" status. If the customer doesn't claim that a package wasn't received, then everything is fine. I also feel the same way about feedback. As long as it's 100% positive, that's all that matters.
  • Good points, thanks.
    It would just be nice if everyone was considerate enough to let the stores know they received the package. I've had 13 orders so far and only 7 of them have clicked 'received'.
  • Congratulations! You are above average.
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