Looking for sellers to add to my go-to list: Free shipping deals, condition & mold variations

Shipping - Yes, I know the argument that people pad their per item costs to make up the shipping. I would much rather be able to see my piece prices as what they really are rather than having to try to calculate how much more I am paying across how ever many parts I order. I am usually working on two projects at one time and so I need easy calculations. Promo codes ok too.

Item condition - consistent with Brickowl definitions

Differentiates part mold variations - yes I get that they are "functionally" the same. And all costs being the same (which they should be if you don't differentiate), I'm ok with that argument. For me, if you are charging a higher price on a variation, you should take care to separate the parts.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Free shipping is fine on large orders but if you only need a few parts then free shipping is irrelevant as you will spend more on trying to reach minimum order values than you would on shipping and everything will be overpriced, so part for part its hard to judge You may be better using the wishlist feature and emailing any potential seller to see if he can confirm any mold variations you are really bothered about,, I'm sure most sellers try to be consistent with condition and mold variations but error's do occur as us sellers are only Human, and often inventories are incomplete and inaccurate so mistakes are easily made.
  • I always list new (or mostly). I look for parts with factory defects and toss them to my personal collection.

    Exact shipping. I don't consider that I pad the price of my parts to make up for it. Rather, I use a business model that allows me to charge exact shipping.

    Mold variations. I'm very particular regarding my own builds so I always try to differentiate in my store.

    Good luck!
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