Why do some sellers not provide Tracking #'s?

After purchasing parts from lots of different sellers over the past couple of months, I noticed that about half don't provide USPS tracking numbers even when they are available. As a buyer, this comes off as laziness and disappointing. Is there a reason why some sellers choose not to provide the tracking # of a shipment to a buyer?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • if they print out the shipping label with Paypal you receive also a email from them showing your tracking number.
  • Within the US there's really no excuse - they are almost certainly getting tracking numbers, just not bothering to let you in on the secret. ;) Part of good customer service imo - as soon as we ship each day I leave feedback, upload tracking, and mark the order shipped so the buyer is notified. Not hard.
  • With the click of a button on the order page, sellers can add the tracking number. As a seller, I generally add it as soon as I pay for shipping. As a buyer, I also feel a little disappointed when tracking information is not provided.
  • In the past I have had a lot of trouble with orders not getting scanned. They reach their destination in good time, but there have been buyers I've had to assure that I did ship their orders, because on checking the tracking, nothing was showing. I think this causes concern that is often not necessary. In most cases if they just wait the normal time, the package is there like it should be. But if they are checking the tracking and nothing is showing, then they start wondering what is going on, and if I even shipped their package. I've had this happen a handful of times with the buyers who request tracking. It is a bit nerve racking for both of us. Maybe my experiences are not normal, and now that I'm in Idaho I might not have as much trouble getting scans.
    I try to be very quick to ship, and I gladly give out tracking numbers if asked.
    I don't want unhappy buyers, though, so maybe this is something I will have to reconsider.
  • Good point about USPS not always being good about scanning packages though the system and the unnecessary worry it can cause, and thanks for the tip about PayPal having the tracking info. I'll have to check that out.
  • If you use a USPS scan form (all your packages compiled into one bar code on a single sheet - available through PayPal multi-order shipping tool, stamps.com, endicia.com, etc) it's usually not difficult to train most post offices to scan it when you hand the packages over the counter (or when the carrier picks them up from your location, whichever you do).

    It's understandable that they often don't want to individually scan 50 packages when there's a line waiting, but a single scan of a single barcode on the scan form is something most of them are happy to do.

    That gets your acceptance scan into the system for all packages on the scan form, so there's not that "dead time" between the drop off if your local office misses the scan and whatever sorting center finally gets it done along the way.
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