incorrect picture for part number

the picture for part number 88517c01 is actually part 88517c02. The picture should show a tire with rough tread, and the actual part has a smoother tread.
If I see a wrong picture/description, should I post that here? If not, how do I remedy the situation? I already sold the part and I warned the other seller that has them that the picture is wrong.
I have come across this before where the picture is wrong, or more often, no picture at all. Especially with torso with no arms. I tried adding my own picture but unless I am doing something wrong, I dont seem to be able to. Any advice?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited July 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Please refer to BOID's in future, as the mentioned ID's are not searchable.
    In order to assist you, I've requested deletion of the c01 picture and reuploaded it as c02, soon Admin approves this should be dealt with.

    Unfortunatly yes, these kind of situations exist and one usually only notices when 'sold', this might take a while to get sorted as the number of active contributors is quite small, so the only thing you can do is to notify your customer and explain there was a mixup with the part entry, and hope you can sort it out with the buyer.

    Images can be uploaded in catalog by selecting the part entry, then select the correct color entry, then use the 'edit' button, scroll down and you'll be able to upload a catalog image for that particular color (do not use the 'uncolored' entry for such, the 'first' uploaded image will be copied automaticly for the uncolored parent). The size of the image is not important, it will be resized automaticly, cropping however is a must (can be done Online) and colorbalancing and/or exposure editing can be done with a digital image program upfront
    The process of adding a picture is quite simple, and you don't need to give it a particular name, as the system will take any and 'rename' on approval.
    If you need more help with adding pictures, just ask ;-)

    KR, Eric
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