
Okay, I am new with this and I was wondering how to get a shipping quote? :-<


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • @masaaar
    Hi 'M', welcome to the site ;-)
    There are 2 ways of dealing with a potential order.
    But first you'll need to fill a cart...
    Now 2 things can happen:
    The seller displays a shippingcost while you're building your cart, in many cases it's a matter of 'fine tuning' as each country (aka postal services) has it's limitations (some sellers have extar information on their hompage on this). If the seller has made 'presets' they will be displayed in your cart overview, so you'll know in advance where you stand.
    If the seller doesn't have any methods set up, or the picked items don't generate a presetted method, or you feel it's 'overrated' (in some cases not unlikely, as there is still much data missing in regards to sizes and weights), you can procedd to checkout and use 'quote request'. This does not lead to an order, the seller will need to calculate and 'provide' the quote, after that it is still up to you to decide to purchase or not (you get an e-mail with the quote details), so no 'fear' you're getting into something you might regret.
    It's fairly easy, you just need to do some 'trie outs' (and if you like you can try with my store, I don't mind at all helping out if it helps you to understand the process, no harm done ;-) )
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