We have a total of 7,440 parts left in stock, we have 30 mini figures and if you add any mini figure you will add $2.50 to your order. If you want to buy all mini figures and no parts you can pick them up for $75 if they are all still there!
If you add over 1,000 every 16.66 bricks added will add $1!
This sale will end on Saturday to revamp store so buy while it lasts!
Any other questions let me know.
I was surprised that the mini figures were assembled. I sell "new" mf unassembled, but I know there is a mix of opinions on that.
The order ended up being 742 pieces rather than 1000 because of how the mf were considered. (The $1.50 additional per mf was the surprise.)
The order was packed in ziplock, grouped randomly.
The order was short by 21 items (in 7 lots) and included some of the more unusual and desirable items, so I was a little distressed by this.
I sent a detailed list of missing items and was offered a coupon for $1.00 on a future order. I replied that I would prefer a refund. The reply was a refund of $1.32. I haven't received it yet, but I am at least happy that the seller was responsive.
This is a unique way of selling. Again, I think I ended up with a good deal, but I doubt that I will try it again. I would probably suggest asking questions of the seller before making an order. Going into it with clear expectations should end with good results all round.