bricksync suggestion - inventory


I do not know if more people have this "problem" or if it is even possible to add to the software.

sometimes someone count a lot wrong let it be the quantity/color or even the part number.
To compensate for these error I normally send the customer an email to say I will refund the parts.

But could it be possible to add something like : sell 90% parts with 10% backup on lots with less than xx items in them ?
in this way it is possible to compensate for these error without the customer knowing.

futhermore it could be used as a stockroom.

kind regards,


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, I have thought about that long ago...

    The primary use wouldn't be so much a reserve against inventory errors, but to prevent selected lots from being emptied out. A form of "throttling" really, where the reserve inventory would be added back later (like 1-2 days later).

    My main concern is with so many users relying on blmaster to manipulate their inventory, it would never show what's in the reserve. It would consume a ton of BL API calls if I were to add/subtract the inventory reserve when using blmaster on/off, keeping the reserve in a stockroom is also not viable for the same reason.

    Also, the remaining counts displayed in orders would always be off, as they wouldn't include the reserve inventory.

    Bottom line, I'm not sure how this should be implemented. I don't want to implement it in a way that would increase the volume of tech support emails or flawed bug reports.
  • Didn't thought about that, but then it is a very convenient function.

    You could propose an trade-off :
    or you can use the reserve function or you use the blmaster option but not both at the same time.
    then you do not have to problem of additional api calls. (personally I never use blmaster)
    and the program can stay the same you only switch from blmaster or reserve inventory function.

    Furthermore, why is it necessary to take the reserve inventory into account.
    You know when you use the function --> so you know it xx items / parts off of what you see.
    The customer shouldn't know you have more of the parts --> you don't want to sell it at that time.

    ann other option could be if you use the function accept that there is an BIG inscrease in api calls.

    Maybe other people have good thoughts about this ?

    kind regards,
  • @pwpeter
    I'm keeping backup (reserve) inventory on many items, particulary minifigparts, minifigs and stickers, and some HTF parts as well. For these items I write my actual quantity in my 'remarks' field, once I sell these, I adjust my available quantity and adjust my remarks field with the new quantity left. I do not recount each time offcourse, but when my actual quantity (=remarks field) becomes low, I take the time to recount and adjust if needed. For regular and common parts I don't do so as it would be to timetaking.
    I'm not sure I would even use a 'reserve stock' feature, as it might influence your sales: say a buyer needs 30 of the same part, but you only have 27 because 10% is in your 'reserve' inventory, the buyer might walk to another store... Or in best case the buyer buys them, you pick the order and then relist the remaining 3, now those might stay in your stock quite a while... Personally I prefer a full buy out by a buyer as it liberates baggies and reduces the amount of 'low quantity' lot's, the latter costs a lot of extra picking time and will cause you a lot of 'dead' stock on top. Multiply that with the number of lot's you have and you'll be dassled. Imagine you invest $20 000 in your store and 10% would be in stockroom...
    And all that to prevent an occasional 'short of stock' situation? From experiance most buyers are pretty flexible and understanding in those regards, so not to much worries, and if you have a good method to store, and are doing a 'real' count when parting out sets (what a lot of sellers lack to do) then the error margin would/should be quite slim, mine is probably less the 0.5% of all items so if I pick 1000 parts I might be in trouble over 5 parts, if I muliply with my store (40 000) that would mean 200 parts, I really wouldn't wanna keep 4000 parts (10%) in stockroom just to cover a potential mistake of 0.5% ;-)
  • Waaiiiit... @RobErNat You say you wouldn't use a reserve stock feature, but you are keeping backup/reserve inventory manually? Am I missing something? :p

    If implemented, such a feature would be fully automated on a per-lot basis by short codes specified in remarks, such as #2%40 to mean "make available at most 2 or 40% of my total stock". The data/bricksync.inventory.bsx file would always hold the complete stock.
  • @Stragus
    My 'backup' is mainly limited to minifigparts, minifigs and stickers, now allthough the number of lot's is growing it is still easely manageable, as I'm using blid's in my remarksfields,so I can copy paste.
    I process my picking sheets anyway after shipping, as I clear lot's away when they hit zero (I don't wanna keep them, but I can get rid of 'maintain lot's' due to my 'reserve') and adjust with remaining quantity and remarks...
    There is also a certain marketing strategy behind it for me, and this stragey 'forces' me to do it manually as I need to keep in control by checking availability and current prices, and by taking in consideration my remaining stock ;-)
    Soon you figure out to have that automated, I'll use any automated 'reserve' function you can imagine :-D

    And: I also sell a lot of used parts, they all get a manual control, and they don't always have the same condition, so when I reactivate remaining stock, I also might need to adjust 'quality' of an item, now since you 'tags' on BS differ from my thoughts, it is also something I need to take in consideration :P
  • @stragus, What you also could do is make 2 inventory files 1 for the reserve and 1 of your whole inventory. But the remarks idea would also be a very good implementation !

    @robernat looks like you use a reserve sort of system but in a little bit different way.

    are there any other people who think this is a nice feature to have or have any other input ?
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