Hi guys, stellar job all of you are doing selling Lego and whatnot.
I have made several orders, and I just want to point out how frustrating it is when you make an order, only to have the seller reply after a day or two "Oh, sorry, I know the system said we had that part, but we're out."
"Hey, I know you ordered 10 of those, but I only have 5. Derp, sorry!"
Sometimes the only reason I make an order is for that one part that you are now out of.
It's especially frustrating for international orders.
How about a routine inventory, where you verify your quantities on hand?
Would save a lot of buyer frustration and "Well, I'm certainly not shopping with THEM any more!"
Thanks and have a great day.
Now of course, this is no excuse for items to be missing on a frequent basis. I am missing items in I'd say one in 20 to one in 30 orders. Up to 1 in 10 should be alright as long as communication is perfect. I agree the seller always has to ask first on how to proceed if a substantial amount of a lot (or an entire lot) is missing.
I guess sellers will just need to pay more attention? :P It's an experience thing, things that I'm missing usually stem from several years ago. These days I work pretty structured. If you just do part outs, store the items unambiguously, and don't mess with the inventory between storage and sale, everything should be right where it belongs
Ironically, my suppliers are missing items ALOT more often. Actually, they've been missing items on every order I placed. They are supposed to supply all toy stores, and even they don't get it right, go figure :P
I fully understand your frustration.
I have to send out a few messages like that every month unfortunately and I guess every store has to do this now and then.
My store is of medium size and I'm selling about 6000 parts a month, which means I'm also adding 6000 to keep my store at the same size or more if I'm expanding it. There's plenty or room for error.
In the past I'm sure I've sent out more parts by accident! Unfortunately the customer doesn't let us know when this happens.
Or I've sent dark stone instead of medium stone.
Miscounted when parting out.
Missing parts in sets.
Do other stores do inventory checks?
This has happened three times this week. Very frustrating.
Just venting. Trying to make something constructive out of unfortunate circumstances.
Even doing all this I sometimes have to send the old "I'm sorry, the following parts could not be found" message occasionally.
52 orders placed at Brick Owl in 4 weeks. Most of it has been good.
After this latest transaction, whew, yes I think we need a "Seller Report Card" of sorts.
As for my earlier inventory comment and your feedback, I agree that it's likely not feasible for such a large inventory of such tiny pieces.
Maybe an inventory of select parts in your store as they get low?
For example: Print out a list of whatever you have, say, less than 10 of? And go verify quantities.
Quality control.
Once again, the majority of sellers I have dealt with here really have it together. I have been a repeat customer for my favourites
Agreed it's really annoying, for both seller and buyer.
I think the best way is just to be careful when parting out and picking orders and doing some random checks when you sell a part and you can see quantity left.
Hmm, no, this is not how it works in my experience
By the way, a small lot is not more likely to result in the seller not having enough than a large lot. Big lots have about an equal chance of selling out completely. It's exactly because they are big that it attracts buyers that really want the entire stock.
So, errors can be both small and big, and lots that instantly sell out completely can be both small and big
And customers never complain whey they receive ten times the quantity ordered.
So yeah, I'd be the guy to mention that I received extra.
Oh, and holding buyers and sellers alike accountable for their actions?
I wouldn't have it any other way!