New Jurassic sets minifigs and dinos

Did anybody start building the different figs for those sets ? Let me know as I am planning to create them this weekend.


  • 17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Also any guidance on how to build the dinos is welcome.
  • Thanks @RobErNat.
    Also there are some older dinos from 2012 that look oddly similar.
    Are those actually the same parts in different color scheme ?
    If so should we try to create common elements ?
    The 2012 one where added as a whole and not broken into parts (ex BOID: 57352-79)
  • @OverTheBrick
    For the older dinos the subparts might not be in catalog (like the one in your example).
    For the newer Dinos the subparts are in the inventory.
    1. you create a minibuild
    2. you wait for approval
    3. you submit picture and other data (weight, size, etc)
    4. you make the inventory of the Dino with the subparts that can be found in the inventory of the set.
    5. you edit the inventory of the set by adding the dino to it and remove the sub parts from the inventory.

    So several steps are needed...
    Have fun :-)

    Now it would be easier if we could create 'minibuilds' from a set inventory offcourse.
    @Lawrence: an option to add such besides the creation of minifigs maybe? Would be quite handy I think
  • @OverTheBrick
    Forgot to answer the question about common elements:
    For certain elements a parent would need to be created (non decorated), then the different decorated elements could be under it if they are the same 'mold'.
  • Thanks @RoberNat, will start with step 1 ;)
  • All minifigs are submitted as well as Minibuilds

    I didn't submit minifigs for 75920 I don't think it is out yet and there seems to be a missing head in the inventory
  • @OverTheBrick
    Minifigs are not minibuilds, they are... minifigs, they can be created from the inventory screen of a set (see below). Hope you did it that way, otherwise Lawrence will need to reject the submissions. The reason for that is when created from the inventory list, they get automaticly attached to the set and the parts are removed from the inventory of the set (may take a day or two)
    The only thing you need to pay attention to is to not create twice the same fig, as it might be in another set. In that case you only create it in one set and then you need to manually attach it to the other set(s) (+removal of the remaining parts in that inventory), after approval of the fig.
  • @RobErNat I think I did it right.

    In inventory of set 75920 there seems to be one head missing for character "Berry".
  • @Robernat the minifigure creation form just creates the minifigure, a seperate process puts it into sets based on the inventories, so no need to add it to other sets manually
  • @Lawrence
    Now thats pretty dangerous, as this is exactly the reason how wrong figs end up in sets.
    Larger sets may have dozens of minifigparts, but not necaissary in the same combination as the set that was dealt with to create a fig.
    If the system searches for identical parts in other sets and adds a fig (and removes the subparts) the other set doesn't have the right parts anymore to create the correct figs from the remaining parts.
    I strongly recommend you deactivate such function and leave it a manual process to add identical figs to other sets when that is required.
    Now I understand why some sets had entirely the wrong fig :-(
  • Thanks for the quick turnaround @Lawrence.

    I have started step 4 and 5 above.

    I have created couple missing parts (parts that appears at the top of the inventory of the set with a create button next to them) but I am stumbling on the two Hind Legs of "Indominus Rex" in set 75919. When I try to create them I get the error "An item with this type and design ID already exists"
  • @RobErNat If I understood the system correctly, minifigs aren't created automatically in all sets with matching parts. Instead, an automated catalog submission is created.

    Lawrence must then later approve or reject that automated submission, just like if it had been submitted by a carbon-based life form. That also explains why some newly created minifigs often aren't added to the set inventories right away, Lawrence approves that step separately.
  • That's correct. This isn't written down anywhere so not very obvious.
  • @Lawrence
    Ok, so if I understand well: from one set a minifig is created, then the system files 'inventory' changes after checking which sets contain the same parts in inventory? And those automated submissions need to be approved? Seems reasonable, but still may lead to errors while attaching figs to sets, the set images are not always clear enough to determine the head for example, neither possible backpacks or other small changes, these can only be seen on instructions.

    A few weeks ago there was this thread:
    And not the only set afaik...
    So from my point of view a mistake in another set would be easely made if there are 'auto submissions' to add figs to sets based on the loose parts withing the inventory... And as always, it's harder to rectify, then to add 'manually' IMHO
  • Can somebody help me with the Hind legs of "Indominus Rex" in set 75919. I am not sure how to create them.
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