1) Instead of "Bestselling" show "Bestselling week ending {date}" - actually having a date will help show the site is current and limiting the selection to the previous week might see new items rotate.
2) Instead of "Featured" rotate through the following (skips to the next each day):
(a) "New mini-figures" - showing random new figures that are both available and from themed sets less than 3 (6?) months old
(b) "Classic mini-figures" - showing random figures that are both available and from themed sets older than 10 years
(c) "New sets" - as (a) but with sets
(d) "Classic sets" - as (b) but with sets
(e) "For sale for the first time" - random items/colour variations from that past week that have never previously been listed for sale on BrickOwl.
(f) "Highlights" - random figures/sets from those that have been tagged as 'featured' by sellers in good standing (randomly chosen from a selection that includes one random from each seller).
3) Instead of "Recently listed for sale" show "Listed for sale just now"
Not sure how easy to implement some of these will be but they will help keep the home page more relevant. I'm not sure if this is right or not but the 'superman' and 'droid' figures seem to have been 'featured' for over a year now so something needs to change imho.