The coupon % off feature took the percentage off the order + shipping total, not the order total. Can that be corrected, or can you add an option to control that behavior?
Other coupone suggestions:
1. Add a "free shipping" option that allows the coupon to zero out or offset the postage.
2. Add "rules" for coupons to avoid misuse, such as x% off if order total is greater than $y
3. Add one-time use option so that a customer can only use that coupon once, such as a new customer referrral discount.
If you give someone a £15 coupon and the order comes to £5 item and £5 shipping, what should it do?
Percentage Coupon --- % off sale + Shipping rate, regardless of amount.
Or, even better, perhaps there could be a checkbox next to each listing which, if checked by the seller, would exclude that lot from being eligible for any coupon discount. This would be the ultimate way for sellers to control what is or is not eligible for coupon discounts. It would also be another way to improve and differentiate BO from BL.