Blocking users or buyer stoplist?

I'm looking to block someone but I can't really find how to do so. Can anyone help?
(A user keeps requesting the same quote many times over a long period of time and does not respond to messages)


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • - click on 'Add' top-right. Took me a while to find too, available on your Store's settings page.
  • I've had this recently, went on for about 3-4 weeks.
    Finally ordered the other day.
  • Mine just ordered as well :D I told him it was the last time, but I also made a mistake this time (slightly lower quote) so either must have broken the circle :D
  • @Teup
    Had this frequently in the past, check whether the potential order has items that do not have sizes or weight.
    Seriously, some buyers like to play with their carts to find the overall best option by comparing with other sellers, moving out a bit, adding a bit, if 1 item is causing them to have to ask a quote over and over, then check the potential order for missing data, they'll annoy you a lot less with repeated quote requests once the data is present as the auto calculation will help them (and yourself offcourse) ;-)
  • I get it sometimes but not every day but in a space of few hours, could be the buyer are in a urgent need, or didn't know if I got the quote when I am at work which i cannot respond quickly.
  • I also had a customer who kept requesting a quote because he couldn't find how to accept it.

    Automated shipping methods are clearly preferred, except they can't (currently) decide if an international customer should be trusted without tracking for a large order (international tracking from Canada is ridiculously expensive).
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