Some 8 days ago, I received an order without payment (I am still using a Paypal personal account, I know I know... also, the "Upgrade to a Business account" link doesn't work).
After several days, I sent a message asking to confirm if they would like to cancel the order. Then today, still seeing the order with a "Pending" status after 8 days, without having received a reply, I just cancelled it.
It turns out the customer had actually paid yesterday (7 days after placing the order) but, somehow, the order status wasn't automatically updated. Should it have been updated, as when a customer pays right away when placing an order? Or does that mean the customer somehow sent the Paypal payment manually?
I now have an unhappy customer (and rightly so), to whom I sent a $5 coupon plus free shipping to apologize. I also owe $0.15 in BrickOwl fees that I won't be charged for.
I feel the system should have ways to recover or repair such situations. Note that this isn't just a Paypal personal account issue, as a similar situation can occur with many other payment methods: IBAN, Interac, and so on.