Outstanding orders

One of the orders that was placed in my store was marked as received (not sure if the buyer did this) before it was even shipped. As a result I cannot mark the order as shipped and the order remains in my outstanding order list. I would like to have the status of this order (6209278) changed to processed so I can mark it as shipped. In addition a buyer should not be able to mark an order as received until the seller has marked it as shipped.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Okay, I have reset the status. I will have to think how to handle the better, I would prefer not to prevent customers from setting the order has received in case sellers have not marked it as shipped.
  • Thank you.

    I have no problem with the buyer marking the order as received anytime they would like as long as the seller can see the status the order had before the buyer marked it as received and the order does not get moved away from the "outstanding orders" list. Otherwise there is a risk that the seller does not realize they need to ship this order because there would be nothing to indicate the order has not been shipped. Until you can think of a better solution I would suggest the solution I recommended, there could be some time limit to allow buyers to mark the order as received when 7 days have passed even if the order has not been marked as shipped.
  • Looks like you have done the thinking for me :) the order can be set to received by the customer either if the order has been marked as shipped or seven days have passed since the order was placed.
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