Please allow automatic MF creation from BSX upload

Due to the long delay in approval of MF's - would you please consider that when a user uploads a set (or sets) via BSX upload (or Sync with BL) that if the MF is NOT in Brick Owl database, that it automatically gets a BOID and shows by name only - then it can later be assigned parts from the set inventory. At least that way unknown (to BO) MF's will show as available even without pictures etc

Thank You


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I recognise the problem Graham but I'm unconvinced by the solution. If we have stores listing MFs with no pics and no details of parts, buyers will have no idea what they are getting, I think this will lead to a great many customer service problems and potentially bad site reviews. I'd rather not list a MF until it has a proper catalogue entry, just my thoughts though!
  • Sometimes it get difficult for me when I get orders and there no pictures so I have to go to my email to see the Brickpacker Sync email which show the listing and click on the part number from BL to go there and find the picture to know what it like.
  • @Jiries: If you sync, I assume you retain lot's? If you do, you can check the lot ID on BO by clicking the 'quantity left', copy it, then go to your BL inventory and use the search tools to paste the number and you get your lot instantly.... it takes less then 10 seconds to find it ;-)
  • Thanks for a tip as I didn't know that way.
  • I agree that isn't the correct solution to the problem.

    We need some manual approval of any new items, otherwise someone (maliciously or by mistake) could create thousands of new BOIDs.
  • I used to only encounter this issue with recent releases however these are 1-2 yo sets. What do y'all do with these missing mf's from uploads?
    I guess if y'all are selling on both venues it isn't such an issue?
    For me I'm only here other than a few other mf's and sets - so I get a backlog of mf's that I don't know where they belong!
  • @Graham
    All figs should be in catalog if from olders sets (and all prior to june 2013 ARE in the database), so just a matter of finding them (and preferably adding them in the sets).

    Indeed for sellers who sell on both venues it causes less issues as the sync program will usually handle it (but then for newer ones the ID's must be updated before it can sync).

    The process of adding all older figs to sets is a very timetaking task, I've done a bunch, but there are over 7500 figs and 12000 sets, so this is gonna take some time ;-)

    Now if you need assistance with the figs just PM me, I'll help you to figure them out, welcome anytime to pop me a mail with the setnumbers ;-)

    Cheers, Eric
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