Sales and carts

Just a question if someone knows.
Are sale prices tied to the cart or to the store inventory.
So for instance, if I take my store off of sale, are all the active carts able to checkout with the "old" sale and if so for how long.
I'm thinking of putting different items on sale and rotating every week, but don't really want to allow someone to hold last weeks sale items in their cart and then add this weeks sale items on top of that.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have seen prices change after leaving items in my cart for weeks. So if the prices are "saved" when filling the cart, it doesn't last very long.
  • Good call, Alexis. I actually did some playing around with my own cart this morning and changing the sales on the items I had in my cart. As soon as I did a refresh on the page, the cart showed the current sale price.
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