Looking for a suppliers for a large (about 1500) order - for educational kits by list

I'm a teacher in a junior high school at Israel. I'm Looking for new or used Lego parts for my class.
Need about 1500 +/- common and technic pieces from a list, I can send. Nothing fancy or unique, just basic techinh: connecting pegs, cross axles, angle connectors, technic rods (angled and strait), a few different sized gear tooth, and maybe a few motors.

thanks O><M
Oren Mutz,


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi and welcome to Brick Owl.
    I think there's lots of stores on here that can help you.

    You might want to create a Wishlist of those parts on here.
    You'll then be able to see which stores have those parts. It might be that 1 store doesn't have all the parts you want and you'll have to order from several.

  • @juiceman74
    I have over 5000 technic parts and most of it is below average as I put them at a discount, so you might find a nice deal in my store. Welcome to fill a cart and request a quote. For a substantial possible order, I can offer a deal on shippingcosts on top. I've shipped several times to Schools and Universities (even one last week) on all continents so welcome any time ;-)
  • A wishlist would be best. It will help you keep track of what you have located and what you still need to find. Here is the link to start making your wishlist: http://www.brickowl.com/wishlist
    HTH and good luck. Hope you find all that you need.
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