Visibility of shipping tables in a store's custom Shipping page

Some stores edit their Shipping page, and while doing so, they remove the default {{block type="ship_methods"}} block to insert their own content. I think they probably don't realize how annoying that can be for more experienced buyers!

As a buyer, I really want to see the raw data of a store's shipping tables. I want to know what their rates look like, how much I'll pay if I add more to an order, or if the shipping rate becomes a better deal at some point. If the information is not available, I end up having to put weight to an order to attempt figuring out their rates. This is rather annoying.

If stores are going to edit their Shipping page and (accidentally?) purge it of useful information, could the information still be available somewhere? Perhaps that same Shipping page could include a link to the raw data, this {{block type="ship_methods"}} block of shipping tables?

Thank you for considering!


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