I have been looking at counting scales, devices able to give an exact count of parts after weighting a single sample (without any manual calculations on the side). Obviously, it would have to be very precise to be as reliable as hand counting...
Does anyone have any experience with such scales? Do you have any particular model or brand to recommend?
I see various counting scales which appear to fulfill the needs. Yet most have price tags in the several hundreds CAD/USD/EUR/GBP, and I'm a little uneasy about a device that may turn out inadequate for a variety of reasons. Thoughts anyone?
I have a simple, small and cheap (about 20USD) scale 0 -1000 g x 0,1 and I have been using it for 6 months without any noticably differences or problems. The only downsite is that the weight "plate" is only about 7 x 7 cm. For instructions and bigger parts/orders I use a small bin on the scale, set it to zero, and than weight.
I know that there are 0 - 100 g x 0,01 available as well for about 20- 25USD. Might be more what you are looking for?
I agree that a single sample might be unreliable, we would have to test it out.
or http://www.amazon.com/Nevada-Weighing-Tree-Large-Counting/dp/B00BSXUG66/
The important feature is precision to 0.1g or 0.0002lb. Do not waste money on a .5g scale - you won't get accurate counts on small parts like 1x1 plates and 1x1 rounds. A scale that will really save you time is going to cost $120-$250, but it will be worth every penny.