This one is mainly for the big stores, when it comes to leaving feedback automatically, how would you like it to work?
I was thinking you can optionally enable the feature. When enabled, after you mark an order as shipped, feedback is automatically left for the order. You would set what the feedback is. Maybe you could enter five different comments and it would randomly pick between them.
Ebay's star system is quite a good idea (IF they used it properly)
I do not understand why it is so hard for any seller to take a few seconds per order to leave appropriate feedback. Nor do I understand why some sellers wait months to leave feedback for their buyers. Every feedback does not have to be personal. But IMO there should at least be some miniscule effort on the part of a seller to leave. Buyers at least deserve that minimal courtesy.
It takes me 5 or 6 seconds to leave feedback for my buyer. And that includes the time to thank them by name. Of course, if you get 3000 orders a year, leaving 1500 feedback at one sitting every six months will mean 2 or 3 hours of work. But if you post one a week, you only have to spend 5-10 minutes per week posting feedback for your 60 or so weekly orders. Less if you just cut and paste during mass feedback. Is that really so hard?
Sigh... If you do give sellers the ability to automatically leave feedback for their buyers, I would suggest at least two tweaks to this feature. First, make it clear to the buyer and all readers that the feedback was automated. Perhaps using generic language such us "Positive feedback automatically left by the BO system". Second, please give me as a buyer the option to exclude such sellers from my searches. As a buyer, I would rather not deal with a seller who cannot be bothered to spend a few seconds leaving feedback for me. God forbid if my order has a real problem that needs more than a few seconds for them to resolve.
P.S. Like some other buyers, I have least favorited BL sellers who wait months before posting feedback for their buyers and have, more than a few times, deliberately chosen not to place orders with sellers who are so lax in leaving feedback. As a buyer, this is my right, and I think buyers have the right to know if their seller will at least have the minimal courtesy of promptly giving them feedback for their order.
BTW, sorry if my earlier post came on too strong. It's just the way I feel about this issue. It's not personal. It is business. As a buyer, I simply prefer not to deal with any seller who cannot be bothered to give me a few seconds to thank me for my order via feedback. It would be like going to Target and having the clerk press a button at checkout with a recording saying "Thank you for your order. Have a nice day!" Just say it yourself!