Item with no picture same description and different BOID ;)

I have started listing some tiles with stickers and came across several situations where there are items created already for them in the BO catalog but no way to differentiate them.
For example in the set 3182 there are three white tiles 2x2 with stickers. How do I know which one is witch ?
I assume that somewhere there is a reference to the BL number for those who sync their inventory but I can't find it.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The BLIDs are not visible anywhere (since BL threatens anyone for using "their" intellectual property).

    But you can still do an API ID lookup.

    Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your BrickOwl API key.
    Replace PART_ID with the part's BLID.
  • Thanks Stragus,

    I have created an APIs key but I keep getting {"boids":[]} when I do my query for these particular items.
    I have tried other items and it seems to work as long as it is just a simple number. All parts with letters or "-" in the id seems to fail

    I am pretty sure the item I am looking at are related. For example the 3 white tiles 2x2 with sticker in set 3182. They are exactly 3 on BL and 3 on BO.

  • edited December 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down
    If you want to look up sets (as I'm guessing from the '-'), then you should change type=Part to type=Set.

    Looking up parts with letters is fine. But I see the problem you encountered, you are trying to find 3068bpb0459L and 3068bpb0459R.

    BL recently renamed thousands of parts, breaking external databases everywhere (BrickStock and mine included). You can successfully look up 3068bpb459L and 3068bpb459R (notice the removed zeroes). Once you found the matching BOIDs, you can submit the updated BLIDs.

    I wanted to automatize submission of BLID updates but the day job has left me with very little free time lately. I still plan to do this eventually.
  • It worked thanks. Will get to work.
  • Just filed some changes, soon as approved it will be more obvious, notice that the setnumber will no longer be in the description, but as tag, so if you search 3182, the tiles should show up in the search, with new descriptions.
  • edited December 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Approved, thanks for clearing those up. A surprising amount of submissions today, almost as if everyone has the day off.
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