Go forth and cancel

You can finally cancel orders if you need to now, it is particularly useful if you have made any test orders from yourself.

You can access the refund form by clicking on the button on any of your stores orders. Let me know if you encounter any issues or it does not work as you would expect.


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • How will you prevent abuse of this in the future, say, in order to avoid selling fees? I'm pretty sure the BL system is not overly abused but if it's too easy it could be.

    Granted, a pattern of one particular seller canceling higher end orders would be notable.

  • edited July 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    In the same way I deal with all forms of mucking-around-ery, wait till it becomes an issue and then develop systems.
  • how can I cancel an order that has not been paid yet?
    have a buyer that ordered 2 weeks ago and she wanted to pay with personal check.. she never responded to messages, neither did she intend to pay her order...
    the order is in pending status ever since. would be nice to get this out of the way..

    thanks a bunch!
  • You can just use the form like normal, the current status of the order doesn't matter
  • it does not let me cancel the order, since I can not send a refund of $0.00

    shows error message if I try!
  • If you want to cancel an order, you need to refund all of it for it to change to the cancelled status. If you do not intend to ship the order, then it all needs to be refunded. I understand no payment has changed hands.
  • so, what would be the best thing to do? since there was no payment, there will be no refund!

    will there be an option to cancel an order like that in the future?
  • The refund form is for the accounting/books side of thing, to keep your records correct, the actual refunding of money is handled separately. In this case. You just put in a refund for the full amount. As they have sent you no money, you do not need to physically send them any money. It could probably do with better wording but I'm not sure how to describe it. The technical term is probably "Credit Memo" but I think people might understand that less.
  • alright! I did refund it and now it is set to cancelled..

    thanks a bunch!
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