full instructions - how to?

some newer set have full instructions. IMO that's a good idea, and I would like to do it for vintage sets too. How can I submit them?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That is something I actually hadn't considered at all but would be awesome. So I can get an idea of what I would need to do, would you scan the instructions pages separately into many separate image files?

    I guess you would need a way to upload many images and make sure they are in the correct page order.
  • "That is something I actually hadn't considered at all "
    but there already are such inventories here !

    Scanning pages separately into separate files is no problem, and files could be numbered xxx-p1, xxx-p2 or something like that. For the upload, these could be uploaded as alternate pictures and you do with them whatever necessary.
    Or scanning and saving in one document file.
    Whatever you prefer.
  • The current instructions are provided by Lego, they are not submitted by users, I hadn't thought uses would upload scans but that would be very cool. I will add it onto the development list
  • those I have are at your disposal if you want. Could attract buyers, I think. Finding the instructions AND the necessary parts in just one place (BrickOwl) would increase sales I suppose.
  • Lego provides the instructions in PDF files and you just download them. Could we not scan them as a PDF and that way they would be sure to be in order and they could be downloaded as one file? I would be more then happy to scan my older instructions into a PDF and submit them.
  • I could also potentially handle that, I guess when I make the form I can make it support multiple upload types. If you want, you are welcome to get started on the basis that I will create the upload function within the next week or two. I will probably award one point per instructions page.
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