How to send images of a set's condition to a prospective buyer?

Will attachments arrive at the buyer if sent through mail? Will links be removed just as e-mail adresses are? Or can I just paste an Imgur link (or similar) in the mail/message?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Someone could confirm but I believe images arrive safely if sent by email through BrickOwl's messaging system. An image link would be the safest bet though.
  • Images must be send from regular e-mail (in reply to buyers query), they are send through BO (so no visible email on both sides), but can only be seen in the prospective buyers personal inbox, not on BO (BO just patches through).
    Any image link to any hosting site should work as well, never tried, as current way for sending images just works fine.
  • Yeah, I had someone send me a message with a picture attached the other day, when I received it the BrickOwl site told me that there was an attachment but that I had to go and check the copy of the message in my e-mail inbox in order to retrieve it. Putting them online somewhere is easier I guess, but it worked in my case all the same.
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