Is there a way to set to 'not' retain lot's when a lot reaches quantity 0 (zero), as far as I can remember (or could find) the answer to it is still: No
I would really want to have this 'feature' as in most cases I really don't wan't to retain my lot's (with particular personal notes). In many cases I would like to see me having a fresh start (history wise) when a lot is 'emptied' and then added again (mainly basic parts).
Lawrence, can you thinck of a way please? A flexible system would be nice: like the force quote system, just a 'force retain' on items, but with possibility of a grouped 'not retain' on other stuff (used or new or by 'item type'), or the opposite, set all to 'not retain' and a manual action to retain the ones that are important to 'keep' for the seller.
As I'm not really interested to keep both my stores open in the long run (at least not with the same inventory), I see no point to retain most lot's, the history of the lot becomes longer and I cannot choose (without adapting) the personal note (= mainly storage location) or the personal note becomes longer and longer and requires a manual edit, not very conveniant either...
I would personally prefer that empty lots be deleted (in my case), since adding new items from the API ends up creating new lots, and the empty lots accumulate over time.
The history of lots is a very nice feature, although it seems a lot of data to keep around.