It's automatic (any value) if a buyer has a open order (seller sets cut-off status, check your settings). You can also set a combining fee to cover your costs (PP minimum for example).
I recently had a buyer adding a 0.50 Euro piece and the combining fee was 0.40 Euro, buyer paid 0.90 Euro with PP, the combining fee mainly went to PP, but at least it was not a giveaway from my side (had several like that before Admin adapted the combining fee feature)
I think this is referring to the minimum order of the store, if not my apologies. Order combining should take account of the minimum order, any combinations shouldn't hit that because the original passed it.
I had this happen twice last week. The first time the customer ordered a few more parts to take it over my £1 minimum. The second customer just left it.
@Loremonger I'm afraid I don't follow the situation, the only orders from the customer are shipped or cancelled, if the state of the orders have changed since I can't really work out if there is an issue in this particular case. The minimum order should not matter for order combining.
@Admin Sorry. My customer gave up and just had me send her order without the addition. I should have told you. I wouldn't worry about this as a potential bug, as this customer had a lot of basic questions and problems using the site.
@ Loremonger: You can simulate it yourself (as you are allowed to buy from your own store), if you know what the 'extra' item(s) where (maybe size/weight was an issue).
If your setting is made to not allow combining, or the cutoff is set to 'payment received', then the buyer has to meet minimum again, as the system would consider it a seperate order (with new shipping costs or a new request a quote).
An addition has always worked for me with the correct settings (allow order combining + cutoff set at 'processing' or 'processed'), the only problem that arised was the combining fee (dealt with by Admin late august)
The site is still in development (or rather 'adjustment' phase), so test run when something unusual happens. Not so long ago I had a buyer requesting quotes over and over (about 15-20 in a week). I started simulating in my store, picked everything the buyer had in cart and found out 1 items had a missing size, I measured it, filed it, no more quotes and a few days later the buyer used autocheckout on the order, problem solved. The buyer has the habbit of changing a lot her cart, the only option to solve the issue was to adjust the data, dunno how many time she changed her cart after that, but that one item was preventing to 'see' actual shipping, so she send a 'request quote' each and every time she changed her cart (to my big annoyance), it stopped when that one item had 'data'. The whole point is to question everything that happens in an unusual way, seek the reason and adjust accordingly (or discuss it on the forum to find a solution). If all sellers do, this site will move forward a lot faster ;-)
You can also set a combining fee to cover your costs (PP minimum for example).
I recently had a buyer adding a 0.50 Euro piece and the combining fee was 0.40 Euro, buyer paid 0.90 Euro with PP, the combining fee mainly went to PP, but at least it was not a giveaway from my side (had several like that before Admin adapted the combining fee feature)
Cheers, Eric
The first time the customer ordered a few more parts to take it over my £1 minimum.
The second customer just left it.
You can simulate it yourself (as you are allowed to buy from your own store), if you know what the 'extra' item(s) where (maybe size/weight was an issue).
+Check your 'cutoff 'on this page:
If your setting is made to not allow combining, or the cutoff is set to 'payment received', then the buyer has to meet minimum again, as the system would consider it a seperate order (with new shipping costs or a new request a quote).
An addition has always worked for me with the correct settings (allow order combining + cutoff set at 'processing' or 'processed'), the only problem that arised was the combining fee (dealt with by Admin late august)
The whole point is to question everything that happens in an unusual way, seek the reason and adjust accordingly (or discuss it on the forum to find a solution). If all sellers do, this site will move forward a lot faster ;-)