Hello BrickOwl

Just joined up, wanted to say hello to my new site. Longtime user of that other site but that may soon change.

Just got ban-hammered from the forum over there for daring to exercise my First Amendment rights. Guess they're seeing red over there now.

Anyway, just saying hello. Who are the big sellers over here? I usually place largish orders, 500-2000 parts that sort of thing.




  • 19 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hey JoeRocco, welcome aboard!

    I read your post before it was canceled. Somehow I have been spared the hammer so far.
  • By the way, on the topic of big sellers... Since you have almost 3000 purchases on the other marketplace, I suspect you have a loyalty coupon from DadsAFOL. I obviously can't answer for him, but I believe he will probably honour that coupon if you ask (he did for me).
  • I'm on the slippery slope of starting to feel unwelcome at BL, so making my new nest here (I opened a store here a year ago but never did much with it), now slowly moving my inventory over (not duplicating, moving). I like this site and I can only see it gaining more membership over the next year.
  • Smart move, Miles. :)

    To be transparent (I've posted this in this forum before), as a professional seller, its really in your best interest to sell on both sites. This one is growing fast, but it won't replace the order volume "over there". The buyer population also appears to be different - this site gets quite a lot of casual non-AFOL buyers, most likely because of the advertising and affiliate programs (make sure you sign up for those). The wish list function here is a little less convenient because you have to go into each item individually and add to cart (as opposed to autofill). So AFOLs with long wanted lists will probably stay on the other site.
  • @ DadsAFOL..

    Not sure I get your remarks on wishlist function - I found it easy and amazing!

    1. Create Wishlist
    2. Click the "Buy" tab
    3. Select the wishlist(s) you want to buy for - a list of stores with any parts in your list pops up
    4. Check the boxes next to store name(s) that have some(or all) of what you are looking for

    5. check/uncheck as many stores as you like to find the least expensive option (parts AND shipping!)

    6. Once found click "Add to carts" button - all the parts you are looking for appear in multiple carts simultaneously.
    7. Go thru the check-out at each store by clicking the store name (link) - your pre-filled cart is ready for checkout!
    8. Once checked out of each store click "remove from wish list"

    IMHO - it's far easier than BL's system (especially as over there you will have no idea of added costs)

    It will also explain some of the quircky orders here, where someone orders 50¢ of parts and pays $7+ shipping internationally…

    @JoeRocco - you won't regret it!

    Oh and WHAT First amendment rights? They 've gone along with the Forth and Tenth!
    Now "they" are working on removing the Second to do away with the rest…

    Wonder what Brick Arms will do with their "Modern Sporting Rifles" :O

  • @Graham - I assume you're not talking just about that other site? I agree, things are getting worse, I just wonder how the next revolutionary war will play out.

  • @JoeRocco - assumption is correct ;) - I know I shouldn't get into politics (apologies @Admin)

    Remember the Scout's motto? - well one of them anyway = "BE PREPARED"

    … now (humor) back to work on my fully auto assault whoops modern LEGO launcher - 3001's at 3000fps that should quite an ))ouch(( :D


  • Smart move, Miles. :)

    To be transparent (I've posted this in this forum before), as a professional seller, its really in your best interest to sell on both sites. This one is growing fast, but it won't replace the order volume "over there". The buyer population also appears to be different - this site gets quite a lot of casual non-AFOL buyers, most likely because of the advertising and affiliate programs (make sure you sign up for those). The wish list function here is a little less convenient because you have to go into each item individually and add to cart (as opposed to autofill). So AFOLs with long wanted lists will probably stay on the other site.
    Thanks Jason! I'm not looking for volume. I am voting with my feet. I kinda wish we'd got 100 or so of us together and all chipped in $10,000 each to buy the place back when things looked worse than they do now. But anyway, we have a viable option here and I am pleased and hopeful to support it and see it grow just as big if not bigger.

  • You too, eh?
    Well, welcome to the site!
  • I kinda wish we'd got 100 or so of us together and all chipped in $10,000 each to buy the place back when things looked worse than they do now.
    If we generate enough business here and pay our commission, BO Admin can buy our old home back and fuse it with BO :D

  • I kinda wish we'd got 100 or so of us together and all chipped in $10,000 each to buy the place back when things looked worse than they do now.
    If we generate enough business here and pay our commission, BO Admin can buy our old home back and fuse it with BO :D

    … it's sort of happening naturally - whilst BrickOwl is perhaps lacking in historical reference data - it is certainly far easier to trade here

    on that don't know if anyone knows - but has BL been sold again? I notice the parent seems to be SoHo Corporation rather than B….L… (HK) Ltd.

  • edited August 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down

    on that don't know if anyone knows - but has BL been sold again? I notice the parent seems to be SoHo Corporation rather than B….L… (HK) Ltd.

    It's that same Kim guy. SoHo Bricks is just his umbrella company (I mean, the name that contains all his stuff, he doesn't sell umbrellas ;) )

  • @JoeRocco - you won't regret it!

    Oh and WHAT First amendment rights? They 've gone along with the Forth and Tenth!
    Now "they" are working on removing the Second to do away with the rest…

    Wonder what Brick Arms will do with their "Modern Sporting Rifles" :O

    FYI, the amendments protect you from the government. Out in the private business sector, you can say anything you want and a private business can refuse you service for it. But they can't have the government imprison you for speaking out about their business.

    Sometimes the intent of the amendments is misunderstood.

    Back to business!


  • Since April of this year:

    BrickOwl - 141 orders, 28,661 page views
    OtherPlace - 31 Orders, 1311 page views

    Same inventory, both stores, nuff said.
  • Wow, that's quite a difference.
  • Ya, I actually had people at that other place tell me I should change my name because it was too similar to another "big seller" there when my initial emails went out with my first inventory upload. Maybe that's why my sales are so bad there?
  • Maybe just a case of being a small fish in a bigger pool.
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