I have noticed some parts are rotated before being measured, in order for the dimensions to be as thin as possible for cheap shipping, such as this one:
http://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-panel-4-x-4-x-6-corner-round-30562-46361But other dimensions aren't rotated, such as that one:
http://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-curved-panel-11-x-3-with-pin-holes-11954although it certainly fits under about 11mm when rotated.
Should we systematically enter dimensions that minimize the thickness of the bounding box? (as flat as possible) I ask because I remember reading that dimensions should be axis aligned, rather than minimizing thickness, but the catalog presently holds a mix of both.
But which is correct?
If dimensions should be axis-aligned, following studs, then the first part (30562) has incorrect dimensions.
If dimensions should be rotated to minimize thickness, then the second part (11954) has incorrect dimensions.
Obviously I would prefer the second option, but I would like to confirm before submitting anything. I don't think it would be too troublesome, there are very few parts that have lower thickness when rotated arbitrarily.
I actually also linked them together with technic axles and bushes to keep them nicely alined and avoid damage due to possible pressure on the padded mail.
I learned something that day
Yes, the size of part 30562 has clearly been modified *after* recalculation towards metric size (maybe I did LOL), I think Admin is better placed to answer the question wether this should be a standard or not. I'm more inclined to real sizes in 'build' situations and an additional measurement for 'packing', but when looking at a number of items it is clear things have been entered in a rather 'mixed' way. The advantage of a packing size is that the boxes also don't actually need a LxWxH name, just 3 boxes covering the size in regardless what order (as the system rotates everything anyway)and measured in the most economic form (inclined if needed).
Also, thanks Lawrence for confirming that separate packaging dimensions are on the to-do list, that'll really be appreciated! Please don't forget that it's always nice to know what solutions are being considered in response to the issues and suggestions posted.
So Admin, when may we expect this packaging dimension? I've been adding a bunch of sizes lately, it would be good if both could be entered at the same time.
Will the system then use Package size if 'known' and switch to 'real dimension' if package size is 'unknown' or would it only use the packaging dimension?