Inventory Discrepancies

Since moving over, my inventory was full of errors - I imagine I don't need say why!

These imported errors were always showing I had more of items than I actually did (do) - due to the multiple roll-backs - "elsewhere"

Ok well now I am finding errors that are more recent and are the opposite - meaning I have more in stock than is shown as for sale! Some of these parts aren't small - so it isn't down to extra parts not included.

My questions are

1. Is anyone else experiencing this?

2. When adding inventory directly in BrickOwl - are the set inventories in some way "live" i.e. tied to TLG's inventories? So that if a part or parts are OOS at TLG then the part(s) will not show in the set inventory and hence not be included in the upload?

I can't think of anything else, as when checking the history of these parts everything seems "OK"

Thanks G


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What method are you using to sync? If you have some automation in place, it's possible that its running multiple times, for example if you get an order on the other side where the buyer adds a second batch, maybe its reducing the entire order each time.
  • I only sell parts here - so it's "something else" ?
  • I think we'll need more information regarding how your inventory was managed to guess what could have gone wrong.
  • I had some wrong numbers, too.. All was good until I last updated my inventory with br:-) ick stock...

    Its not much but there should,t be any reason for the numbers not to match up, since I closed my brick link store along time ago and only have sales over here.

    I don't know how to fix this' but in case you figure out the issue, please let me know

  • I think the issue might be that BrickStock only supports BL lot IDs, not BO lot IDs. So you could use BS to add inventory, but I don't know how it would work to open or update your inventory.
  • @DadsAFOL - maybe Brickstock? As I have used that in the past to add inventory via BSX uploads - I have been relying on BrickOwl part out feature for some time now.

    It isn't a major issue as it's only been a handful of lots - so I can correct manually.

    Missing inventory is easy to comprehend - due to the multiple roll backs elsewhere.

    But extra inventory? These are large parts - Technic Beams and such.

    As (I think I am correct) Brickowl pulls inventories direct from TLG or is it Brickset? - is there a chance that when the inventory is pulled and the part doesn't show up that the "error" will roll over to BrickOwl?

    There have been quite a few times that when I have entered a part # in S@H on line I get "unknown" yet when I call with the same number the part is available.

    @Admin are the set inventories "live" or fixed at a certain point in time?

    @Stragus - well I am not an accountant or IT pro - so inventory management is a bit archaic (or perhaps anarchic) - tho I seem to hold it together OK - rarely have I been unable to fulfill an order - occasionally it requires opening several sets - but I get there!

    @rebrude - how do you update BrickOwl inventory with BrickStock? Do you have a way of exporting to BS?

    Thanks! G
  • I upload my inventory with bricklink and use brickstock to save it after I'm done.. then I upload it here with brickowl update feature.. but this morning I had about 30 items that showed: No match found.
  • Reb, that is basically because BL occasionally changes their ID system when a category outgrows itself.. Say an item gets changed from sh12 to sh012. Until the item gets updated in the BO catalog with the new BLID it will come up as unknown. A large amount may come up at once as when BL update their cataloging sytem it normally changes an entire category at once. I suggest taking the numbers not found down, find the correct lot on BL and enter the new BLID in the catalog edit function. It only takes a few seconds each item and once Admin approves the change it will take care of itself on your next .bsx upload.
  • I already started on adding the ID's to the catalog.. :-)
  • :) Awesome, I just wanted to explain why it happens. I also use your general method of adding inventory to both sites, mostly as I am more familiar with the part out function on BL than either BS or BO so I feel more confident in that process.
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