Since moving over, my inventory was full of errors - I imagine I don't need say why!
These imported errors were always showing I had more of items than I actually did (do) - due to the multiple roll-backs - "elsewhere"
Ok well now I am finding errors that are more recent and are the opposite - meaning I have more in stock than is shown as for sale! Some of these parts aren't small - so it isn't down to extra parts not included.
My questions are
1. Is anyone else experiencing this?
2. When adding inventory directly in BrickOwl - are the set inventories in some way "live" i.e. tied to TLG's inventories? So that if a part or parts are OOS at TLG then the part(s) will not show in the set inventory and hence not be included in the upload?
I can't think of anything else, as when checking the history of these parts everything seems "OK"
Thanks G
Its not much but there should,t be any reason for the numbers not to match up, since I closed my brick link store along time ago and only have sales over here.
I don't know how to fix this' but in case you figure out the issue, please let me know
It isn't a major issue as it's only been a handful of lots - so I can correct manually.
Missing inventory is easy to comprehend - due to the multiple roll backs elsewhere.
But extra inventory? These are large parts - Technic Beams and such.
As (I think I am correct) Brickowl pulls inventories direct from TLG or is it Brickset? - is there a chance that when the inventory is pulled and the part doesn't show up that the "error" will roll over to BrickOwl?
There have been quite a few times that when I have entered a part # in S@H on line I get "unknown" yet when I call with the same number the part is available.
@Admin are the set inventories "live" or fixed at a certain point in time?
@Stragus - well I am not an accountant or IT pro - so inventory management is a bit archaic (or perhaps anarchic) - tho I seem to hold it together OK - rarely have I been unable to fulfill an order - occasionally it requires opening several sets - but I get there!
@rebrude - how do you update BrickOwl inventory with BrickStock? Do you have a way of exporting to BS?
Thanks! G