For my received orders I sort the items this way:
Condition - Category - Name (ID) Color - Note
To get this, I first click on the arrow next to the "Category - Name (ID) Color - Note" column, then on the one for the "conditon" column.
However, while BrickOwl provides that way of sorting, it doesn't remember it. Whenever I close and reopen or open another order, the parts are sorted by conditon only and after that the order seems to be random.
It is persistent behaviour, and I can't think of how this could be considered a feature, so that leaves it a bug then. Can it be fixed? Would be neat if it'd remember my setting so I won't have to click the arrows every time. Thanks!
I still have not figured out how I can do his on a tablet...
I want to sort things: Condition / Category
To do this, I press the arrow for the Category column, and then I press the arrow for the Condition column. That way it uses Condition as the first criterium (used parts end up below) and within both the new and the used parts it sorts them by Category. This is just what I need.
But then.... when you go back and forth, on which ever machine, it loses that setting. It only remembers the Condition sorting and forgets the secondary Category sorting.
Frank's way to fix is is by holding shift down and then pressing the arrow. That way, both columns get a blue arrow, and that way it works and it is remembered.
Buttttttt... tablets don't have the shift key, so can't do that there. The tablet would probably remember it if I could do it, but I can't.
So, if the system could remember the setting when doing it the shift-less way I did at first, it would work on tablets as well.
Hope this is clearer
What _are_ items currently sorted by, by default? The problem is that I cannot set "condition" as the primary sorting and "category/name" as secondary. "condition" is the primary, so far so good, but within "new" and "used", the items appear to me to be completely randomly sorted. Is there any logic to it? If so, is it necessary to have it that way, or can we have "category/name" as the default instead? I don't think anyone benefits from a randomly sorted list.
What I meant was slightly different, but it amounts to the same thing. I was thinking that whenever items are sorted only by condition and nothing else, have the items within "new" and within "used" appear in the order consistent with "category/name" instead of some random order. But this works too.
Maybe still nice to have an alternative to the shift key in the interface for tablet users to customise their primary and secondary sorting column, but for me personally this pragmatic kind of fix solves my situation. Thanks!
After July 11 if I would press the arrow on Condition it would sort Animal-Container-Hinge and then the used bricks. Now it's the same as how it was before that date, when sorted by condition these 3 new items appear sorted randomly.