I'm currently updating my payment options and i saw it was not possible to use ideal.
Ideal it the payment platform for web shop to directly integrate bank transfer payments.
This payment method is the main online payment method (I dare to say more used than paypal) in the Netherlands.
Here are some statistics (it is in dutch if you can't translate or read it, I'm willing to this)
http://www.ideal.nl/en/payee/key-figures/ideal-payments/http://www.ideal.nl/en/payee/key-figures/ideal-availability/http://www.currence.nl/Downloads/iD_factsheet_NL.pdfTo pick 2 numbers, on average 13 million payment/month are handled through this service
and more than 100.000 web shops are connected!!
Should this be a possibility to integrate into brickowl, there are several advantages :
- Customers without paypal/creditcard will be more inclined to order something
-- Because this payment method is well recognized
-- It is easier to pay with this integration only a few clicks and buttons and you are done
- no hassle with those invoices !
-- which means, the time between payment and shipment will be ALOT shorter !
- the fees for this payment method is very small.
Besides this, there is a new payment method, it is nearly the same as ideal but this service works for whole Europe.
Due to the implementation of the SEPA it is possible to do a bank transfer from for example Italy to the Netherlands.
With Mybank this will be possible :
https://www.mybank.eu/businesses/flexible-pan-european-payments/I do not have very much information about Mybank because it is new but promising.
If this would be implemented there would be a fast, low cost alternative for paypal !
If both are implemented, that would be awesome !
but the Mybank service is for whole Europe so i would look for that first !
What does the site admin think about this idea ?
and how do you think about this as shop owner ?
kind regards,
Ps : this is just an idea to help 'improve' the overall experience on the site !
@brickiton nice to hear more people like the idea, your opinion is appreciated!
What do others think about this idea ?
I still really wish we could see lot quantities right away, without having to click on them (and I wonder if it's on the list at all...).