Sorry if it sounds like I'm harping on about this but I have several catalogue amendments waiting to be authorised, and I just realised some have been there for ages, including one - an image - that's been there for months. Stranger still, I added the inventory for the new Exo-Suit set on Saturday but curiously only 14 items from the entire inventory have been authorised. Perhaps this is a cache issue or something?
Perhaps a speedier way of authorising updates is needed?
I do understand the annoyance this causes though, putting in effort into the catalogue, and then having it just sit there.
Are there any plans to implement a system whereby trusted people other than yourself can authorise catalogue submissions? I don't know if anyone would be interested in such a position but it can't be easy keeping the entire inventory of Lego - past and present - up-to-date yourself.
Thanks for the response.
I have previously considered the possibility of giving others the ability to approve submissions, but it isn't very practical. The submissions that are obvious whether they are incorrect or correct, are easy to approve quickly. the submissions that are not obvious, would need me to decide or do something about. So there wouldn't necessarily be much of a time-saving, and a big risk of making incorrect decisions.
I would say it is good that the majority of submissions are approved quickly, and it is only the edge cases that are delayed. Annoyingly though, there is an awful lot of edge cases.
As an example of why I don't think the current method is sustainable. I wanted to add the new Lego Movie Vitruvius minifigure to my store yesterday only to realise it wasn't in the database. This figure has been around for at least 2-3 weeks now so I was quite surprised. I have asked for the figure to be created, but in the mean time the figure has already been sold 42 times at 'the other place', with a combined sale value of £569. That's a lot of potential income and commission being lost.
I'm still waiting for the opportunity to part out an Exo Suit set