Could we get the backup XMLs generated on multiple lines with indentation?
I just downloaded one in order to add an external ID to a couple of lots, and working with it as one long line is murder on my text editor (Notepad++), not to mention my eyes.
Also, it didn't work. I couldn't restore from the XML file.
When I tried to open it in oXygen, I get a little more information: Cannot parse document: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
The line in question is: Panel 1 x 2 x 2 with Side Supports - Hollow Studs with 'DISCONNECT CAPACITOR DRIVE BEFORE OPENING' & 'SHEILD EYES FROM LIGHT' Pattern (early version)
It's from BOID: 797863-64. I went out to update it, but the description on the site displays with "and" instead of "&".