Upload confirm with list?

After uploading some sets via .bsx files that I had parted out and selecting merge new items some have not merged with the existing lots, it may be a setting I missed, but as it just confirms new lots have been created / updated etc rather than showing what I have added it gives a chance that I selected the wrong file had a setting wrong or other things, its now messing everything up with having two lots for the same item on some things and means the brickpakcer sync service is having a hissy fit, I can manually change all these.

maybe I missed something in the settings to cause this but a lil confirmation screen to show what I'm uploading and whats merging etc would stop any problems from occurring for me or other's much like what that other place has with similar uploads,

Thanks Phil


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would love to have a confirmation screen before processing the upload. Just a speed bump so that I can cancel if I notice something is off would be great. A chance to pair up unrecognized items with existing lots would be even better.

  • There's a possibility that the BL IDs require an update. BrickOwl doesn't know the new IDs and assume these are new lots.

    BL recently changed the IDs for a bunch of decorated parts, adding a digit to the integer counter (3039pb45 became 3039pb045). I have edited some on BrickOwl but it's a lot of clicking... That would be so much easier if we could submit BL IDs through the API.
  • BrickLink IDs won't happen unless they open up their catalog again.

    BrickPacker has a system that searches BrickLink for unmatched lots based (at least partially) on item descriptions. When uploading a .bsx file, Brick Owl could search the BO Catalog for matching descriptions and attempt to match new lots based on the results, with a verification step.

    That's what I normally do manually when something doesn't match. It's always the first search result. Of course, that does mean that now I have 3 lots that have no external IDs with no way of adding them. And that number is only going to grow unless it gets addressed soon.
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