I have always thought that if a part numbering system could be created that is six digit based it would help tremendously in regards to inventory organization. It is difficult to do due to lego has so many parts and it is impossible to have all of these parts to start a part numbering system. I was curious if this could be implemented into the site so that every part has a numerical six digit sku numbering system.
Beyond that the part numbers currently used are canon. They are stamped on there by LEGO themselves. To change them would cause a tear in the space-time continuum and Ole Kirk himself would come throttle your neck.
Now when I get an order, I have to find the part or minifig bij really carefully looking at the picture... all my inventorie is stored under Bricklink part numbers...
It's not a case of creating a new part numbering system for Lego but allowing there to be a 'Stock Number' field available in the inventory for in house use by the vendor that matches with their own system. Calling it an SKU makes sense as it's a standardised term and it could be enabled/disabled at order print out to help in picking.
I don't see it creating a problem for buyers if it's included in the invoice print so long as it's marked as SKU or Stock Number. Most invoices contain this information and we generally skim over iot as it means nothing to us as a customer.
It would be an optional field in the inventory that people could use if they so wanted and doesn't have to have a standardised system as each individual would have their own method of organisation and stock control