Parting out old sets

I have loads of nice used sets to part out, most have no inventory listed on Brick Owl, so its a bit of a pain to do this. Elsewhere, BrickStock and BL I can part out these sets very easily upload to bricklink and sell, but is they any easy way to upload just these new parts over here, I could delete my BO stock and re upload my new Bricklink stock but its just a headache, otherwise my BL stock will be much larger than here, I have added some inventories but I don't know how complete my sets are as they are used, and it take ages to do especially on larger sets.

I have read numerous posts but seam stuck maybe I'm missing something

Have we yet got any way of managing both stores parts Brickpacker is great but only to update Bricklink it does not want to create a file to update Brickowl with parts for sale over there

any help will be much appreciated


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