BL --> BO - how to preserve stockroom values?

edited July 2014 in General Vote Up0Vote Down
I saw a similar post about this, but no solution, so here we go..
Something unfortunate just happened: A customer here tried to order something that was a BL stockroom item. Apparently, all stockroom values have been lost in the migration. I downloaded my inventory, used brickstock to save it as a .bsx, then imported it. I haven't modified anything.
Looking in Brickstock, I can't see any kind of stockroom setting anywhere. Seems they were lost in the conversion.

- Is there something I'm missing as far as Brickstock is concerned?
- If Brickstock is simply inadequate, is there a better way of importing it?

I have some programming skills, so I could make my own format conversion if needed.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Don't quote me, but I believe reading in the past that Brickstore/stock was written before BL implemented the different stockroom options that it now has, thus it is not supported in brickstore/stock. I believe this is where the problem to fix it...sounds like its up to your programming skills :)
  • Hmm, seems there actually IS a stockroom column in Brickstock (which incidentally has zero documentation) but for items that are marked as stockroom items in the Bricklink inventory XML it doesn't show a checked box. It simply doesn't seem to parse that particular field... seems to be a bug.

    Guess I'll just import and then export a single item, assess what Brickstock does to it exactly, then write my own routine to do it that does include the stockroom field... Bad move Brickstock :(
  • If you use multiple stockrooms in BL then Brickstore will not parse it. If you just use a single stockroom, then it understands that.

  • Well, apparently it does not..
  • Since you have programming skills... What I did to avoid BrickStore/BrickStock was to use MS Excel to import the BL XML export file, use formulas to control stockroom, and reformat the XML to match the BSX format that BO will read it in. Fairly straight-forward substitutions of one tag name for another. Also add the BSX header and footer, which apparently is something BO checks for in preprocessing validation.
  • Yeah that sound sensible. I'm gonna look into the .bsx in notepad and then make a little something that eats BL XML and poops BSX :)

    I think it's extremely awkward for a program that wants you to buy it not to have any kind of tech support. At least I didn't find it. Wish I could just report this bug to the guy who makes it, I bet he will have this fixed within an hour if not one minute. Clearly just the line where it reads the stockroom value from the BL XML needs to be fixed.
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