Hi there! I apologise if this has been asked a bunch of times before, I just couldn't find it. If I look up for example a minifig that I have in my store, say,
http://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-elizabeth-swann-turner-minifigure#buyFor a Dutch buyer, it says shipping is EUR 6,75. However, I've specified a cheaper option of EUR 0,64 with the appropriate dimension restrictions. Obviously this would fit in 300x240x25mm.. so what's up?
For now though, what's the best strategy to make the ugly 6,75 shipping disappear? Remove the shipping options altogether and stick to quotes entirely, or is there a better way?
How does BO calculate if an order is gonna fit though, does anyone know that? I mean, it can't just add everything up unless you like your parts molten and then cast into a single solid block of plastic I guess it's always gonna be a rough estimation.. I just hope it's gonna be fairly accurate.
The second best option is to enable the check box "Force Quote" on all minifigs.
Each part/item gets a imaginary box drawn around it's entered dimensions.
If just weight and maximum dimensions are considered (no volumetric limits chosen for the shipping method); If all of the boxes independent of each other could fit within the dimension limit, it would be shown as an option on checkout. There could be too much volume to fit a given method, but it is a case by case scenario.
If there is a volume limit as well the system does a bunch of fancy rotating and puzzling to find a best fit for all the "boxes" in the order and compares this to both the dimension limit and the volumetric limit.
Happy to be corrected if I am off somewhere, fits my experience.