It may be a bit of an easy one, but it's a start can now submit new inventories, or add items to existing inventories.
It still needs a fair bit of work, especially in relating to altering existing items and removing existing items and the issue of minifigures in sets, but it's a start.
If anyone wants to try it out on an easy one, needs an inventory
When I have added, say, a 1 x 1 brick in a particular color, when I go to add it in a second color (after entering several other lines) it just causes the the previous 1 x 1 line to jump to the bottom of the list. I can't get it to add a second line for a part already entered.
I was a good way through something, hit the wrong spot on the screen and lost everything on refresh.
Maybe something we could submit to remember so far, another to final submit to you? Something to help with that would be nice if it's not in the works.
On the list position memory, the search is so good I never used the list.
And I found the process to be faster if I didn't clear/close the catalog window for each new item. I just left it open. It also saved time to type in the part number vs. browsing the catalog by section. Some of the parts I was using don't have images yet, and they were often deep into the browsing list.
1. I've added something by mistake and was not able to delete it, nor submit with 0 quantity.
2. Part 4287 Black Slope, Inverted 33 3 x 1 is missing from catalog.
Another problem are the missing parts in catalog, so we cant do complete inventories and have to come back later again.