Currently lot history is stored indefinitely, and has no limitations on it. How would stores feel about having it limited to say the last 90 days? Or, the last 90 days, including the oldest entry, even if it is older than 90 days, so you can see the details from when it was created.
This will stop too much data building up, and also stop it being annoying to view.
Only having 90 days, for me, would take away what I use it for.
I would "feel" sad, I think the full history is one of the greatest things about selling here.
One of the things I refer to, to price items and choose what to restock, is my own sales history of a specific part.
The way the price guide works here I cannot refer to it to see my own individual sales. The only place I know of to find it without programming or external software experience I don't have is in the history.
Being able to see the trends over time, the effects of changing prices over time, and other things I could list, I think are great. I plan on doing this for years to come.
If not in a specific lot history, if this needs to be changed, some way to see these points of interest, not just a starting price, I think would be of benefit.
What would be REALLY helpful is if when looking at my inventory the page defaults back to normal view even if I last selected history. What would be ideal is if the history for each lot was a link tied to each lot so that when I want to see a lot history I only have to look at that lot's history, I don't have to scroll down an ever growing page to look at one lot's history.
It's getting quite a list now, but maybe you don't have to show the whole history at once. Limit the list to 50 lines. If you want to see more lines, press a button to view the next 50 lines, and so on.
It would clean it up if it only showed me when the qty in the lot actually changed in some way weather it be quantity, price, sale etc.
To list out every time my inventor was "updated" due to an import is to much info when all we (I) actually need to see is the changes.
With the changes, this would clean it up a lot. As for how long to keep it, I would go for indefinitely and maybe change it to show the last 10 changes by default and have a plus symbol to "show more" when we need to see all the details.
Don't know if it's possible for the sellers to delete some lines that are no longer needed?
It's something I wish I'd written down.
Where's the image you've posted come from?
I select the item from the order, select the sell tab to see my colours for sale and then select the history button (right hand side of screen, opposite the green Add button. Gives you a list of parted out sets, personal note changes and orders made for it.
I've never found a way of just getting a list of all parted out sets in one go though.
I'm not sure if it's something I need or if it's just nice to see! But yes what I'm after is just a list of sets when they were parted out. Maybe even how much for.
I probably only need 90 days for the way I use history. But I'd like to keep full history if possible.
I currently use brickpicker to enter the details (cost, source, date, etc) of each set that I buy. I then usually go to brickowl to partout the set. I am given the partout value (which I note, when I remember in the notes section of the item in brickpicker). I then load the inventory into brickowl and it shows the date and set that it came from. EXCELLENT.
Six months from now, I would LIKE the ability to see a list of my sets that I have parted-out in BO, as well as the dates, the original costs of the sets, the part-out values at the time I loaded them into BO, and ideally, the percent of the set that remains with sales values (sold items and remaining items). This last part would make sense to be on a first in first out basis. I think this would give a TRUE picture of the performance on each of my set purchases/part-outs. However, since I have not yet achieved this on paper or in excel, I recognize the significant programming hoops this would involve. I would certainly be happy to pay extra for such a reporting system, either third-party or within BO.