Making figures

Hi there, I am new here and I was trying to put some figures into my store, but they are not all in the catalog. So I read the directions and went to the set inventory and selected the boxes to build the figures. Then I submitted them. So now where did the submissions go? I can't seem to find a spot for items I submitted or for pending items. So how do I know when I can add the figures to my store? Also some of my items are put together and some are not. I notice with the pictures for minifigures it is the same way. So do you sell a figure with its parts not put together, unassembled and sell a put together figure assembled? I can't seem to find any rules on this. Thank you for any help.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Ok I figured that part out, but now I have another question. What if I want to put a Lord Business for sale with his legs built like they are in the movie and in the set? I create an item and then call it my brand and then wait for an admin to approve it so I can put in my store?
  • I'd recommend adding it as a new inventory item if it is not already one. Add it as a mini build. The admin should approve it with in a day (generally 12 hours great turnaround time!).
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