Searching sets

Hey Forum!

I have come to BrickOwl after using Bricklink quite a lot. While I hugely appreciate the time and effort given by the administrators, not to mention the sellers on that site I feel it has become almost hopelessly lost behind the times - specifically the crippling part-ordering process. It is the next thing to impossible to consolidate your parts with as many as possible given to the same seller and it has literally given me headaches trying to do so! When I found Brick Owl did this automatically I was sold - no more convincing required!!! Obviously there are still far more sellers over there but hopefully that will change with time. MANY, many thanks therefore for putting this excellent site together.

One aspect of Brick Owl that is confusing me a little is when I am browsing for whole sets. If I go to Browse and then 'Space' for instance I am presented with many catalogue entries. Is there firstly any way to show more than 60 per page? Secondly is it possible to have the screen show me only those kits which are currently available from a seller? I keep finding something I would really like, click that item's link... and then get terribly disappointed when I find there are no kits for sale!


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