Stripe - Capture Payment Manually

Just had a message pop up when I changed all my outstanding orders to shipped.
Not sure if this was bad timing or the message was triggered when I clicked 'shipped'

It says.
Payment could not be captured for order xxxxx, please capture payment manually.
A charge must be captured within 7 days.
you will need to create a new charge to retry the payment.

Order was placed over a week ago but customer wasn't in any rush as it was being sent to parents address and his wife is visiting in June.

What do I need to do to get this sorted?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Visit the Stripe website and see if you can capture payment. There is a time limit showing on the order details on the left hand side for Stripe payments. The card is authorized, but not captured, the authorization has a time limit.
  • It already says refunded.
  • I found at least one place to charge a card manually if it helps, not a simple solution and would need some communication with the customer.

    Neat to know in general for other reasons. I did not see a way in stripe to simply use stored information to create a charge.

  • Thanks Walstib, I found that page after posting.
    Although I have good communication with the customer, I'm not sure how keen he would be sending me his credit card details.
    Might be easier with a paypal payment.
  • I know this is too late as the time limit has passed, but in the future, if you go to the payments section on stripe and find the intended payment, you can capture the payment ahead of when you actually ship by manually clicking the capture option that shows up.
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