How do you sellers handle the 3 types of used? I suposse a lot of sellers uploaded their inventory directly from another site, and make aditions by Brickstore/Stock.
Both can't handle the 3 types of used, so everything I have in stock is used (good), but some of it should actualy be acceptable (rare old parts) or like new. I explain almost all acceptables in the notes, but still...
hard to re-check 40.000 items however
If you use specific words to indicate when parts are 'acceptable' you could search your inventory for that term and then change the condition for the lots that need changes. You can also sort your inventory in BrickStock by the comments to find which lots you need to modify and then search Brick Owl using the lotid or the comment.
Superbricks, thanks for the reply. My inventory is about 44.000 parts at the moment, so "reverse checking" after every single inventory update is not really an option. No bigger sellers struggling with this?
To change them I just used the sort filter (on BrickOwl Inventory) by clicking "Used" - "Parts" then sort by "Public Note"
If "comments" rolled over to "Note" - they should have done if you went via BrickStock/Store then that may help you.
I understand it is safe to set like new parts as "Used, good". But what about the other way around?
I recently sold a blue baseplate 16x32 with the remark ""discoloured, corner cracked, bad shape" for about 30% of the actual value. However, like everything I sell, it was listed as used good. The custumer didn't see/read the remark, and now complaints. I will give her the money back, but I can't figure out a way to prefend this....any ideas?
Again: It would be impossible to recheck at the moment 55.000 items.
When BrickSync creates new used lots, it reads the comments to guess what the grade of used should be. If you wanted to let the software recreate the lots (deleting used lots then typing "sync"), that would probably fix such issues. It's not very nice for people with existing carts though.