Show part count while browsing store categories and wishlists

I have mentioned this before, but I think it deserves a more formal suggestion.

When browsing stores, we could save a great deal of clicking (and loading time) if it could show the amounts for lots straight away. When browsing categories, it could show the total amount for all colors combined.

Similarly, if we pick a wishlist while in a store, it shows all the parts available. That's great, but it doesn't show the amounts, we have to click on every part individually to figure that out. It's quite time consuming.

Have mercy :), the amounts available would look very nice just below the price.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The quantity of a given color could be shown (along with the color name) on a mouse-over of the color block on this page. This would be MUCH quicker than having to actually click through to get the number available.
  • That's a nice idea, noteworthys. Moving the cursor sounds better (assuming the mouse-over is instant) than clicking and waiting. Even better, we could have both : the total quantity right away as well as per-color quantities by mouse-over :).

    Walstib, the suggestion has been around since the beginning of BrickOwl then, that's interesting...

    Admin, without getting into a lengthy debate, would it be possible to briefly know why you don't like the idea? Some think it would make things easier for buyers interested in large quantities (speaking from experience too).
  • I don't dislike the concept, it's an issue in need of a solution, it's on the list still. I made a prototype previously that was shelved.
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