Wishlist Update Post-order

So once I've made my orders I'm taken to a page where it lists all the parts I just ordered, along with their wishlist quantities and an option to change the quantity in my wishlist. So I check that the boxes have the desired final quantity (usually 0, which is automatically filled in) and then hit the update wishlist button on the bottom.

Except every time I've tried to use it, it doesn't seem to work right. Either it doesn't seem to affect my wishlists at all or it only affects some of the parts in the list. I've gotten worried it will accidentally remove something and I won't even know it until I go to build and something's missing, so I stopped using it and have been updating the lists manually. Am I doing it wrong?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Could you try narrowing down the issue in future, maybe screenshot the form before you submit it, and then check if it matches up with what you expect?

    It shouldn't remove things that aren't specified on the list
  • Will do, next time I order.
  • I tried a small order with items on a single list and it worked just fine, so I'm not sure what happened before. On previous orders where it didn't seem to work I had a mix of parts on different lists, including the same parts on two lists, so I don't know if that affected it. At any rate, if it ever happens again, I'll let you know. Thanks.
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