a few questions...
part 62821
The image you have in your catalog if for the new variation of this part. Interestingly it does NOT have inner tabs but what may be described as a box.
The previous variation has a few differences in the mold, the "tabs" being the most obvious, and I have seen some interesting things done with that old kind to "lock" the differential where you could not do it with the new ones.
The two parts are not distinguished on bricklink. (No need to go into details.) Maybe they will be one day.
So first, I don't know if I am asking too soon, but I have not seen info for creating variants. I'm assuming it would be as easy as create item and explain? Fix up the name of the new one...
Second, just to make sure I have my thinking right. This catalog stands alone, has whatever you chose to have in it. Any catalog divergence elsewhere will be maintained best you can with external id's put on an item. Resolving items that diverge between one source and another, especially in regards to a CSV file sync, will be our own issue to deal with.
I might have long questions but I have no problem with short answers.